Tuesday, November 3, 2009

sailor moon goes brunette.

halloween is my least favorite holiday. not that i don't like dressing up, just the process and things that go into dressing up (i.e. time, money, thought, stress, blahblaaaaahlala) i'd rather not have a holiday dedicated to it and just dress up whenever i want. but i dressed up anyway and went as sailor moon--brunette style. and on friday when everyone else dressed up (not on halloween) i went as myself, but some thought i looked like a hooker. i can't help that i have long legs, rips in my shorts, and boots that make me like 6+ feet tall. so i went as a hooker/myself. shove it.


Dylana Suarez said...

This is the cutest costume ever! You look awesome! Love it so much!


KL said...

you and me both- halloween is gay.

Ghizlane said...

i liked it a lot better when my parents were dressing me up and i was scoring candy in the process.